Yaming Guo  
(郭 亚明)

Master's in Mathematics student at Jilin University


Jilin University

No. 2699 Qianjin Street

Changchun, Jilin Province China, 130012

Hello, I’m Yaming! I am a master’s student in the School of Artificial Intelligence of Jilin University, interested in Federated Learning, Out-of-distribution, and Continuous Learning.


Jun 1, 2023 Our paper entitled “Toward Multimodal Vessel Trajectory Prediction by Modeling the Distribution of Modes” was accepted to Ocean Engineering!
Apr 25, 2023 Our paper entitled “Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Federated Learning via Implicit Invariant Relationships” was accepted to ICML 2023!

selected publications

  1. Preview_guo2023out.png
    Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Federated Learning via Implicit Invariant Relationships
    Yaming Guo, Kai Guo, Xiaofeng Cao, and 2 more authors